Friday, February 5, 2010

From Atlanta with Love

This was presented to me by the city of Atlanta for being a part of MLK Memorial Mural.(covered my government name but you know the name,dont you)

Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Mural

I had the privilege and honor of assisting World Famous muralist Louis Delsarte(google him) and many other great artist on a mural honoring the late great Martin Luther King Jr.This mural sits at the MLK center located in the historic Auburn Avenue.The unveiling featured new mayor elect of Atlanta,Kasim Reed.I value knowing something I helped to create will be featured for millions to view.

Hope and Change

This piece was inspired by the win of Barack Obama featuring the whole inaugaural acceptance speech along with words of Obama within his coat.

BIG Dreams

Speaks for itself...

Message for those that sleep on Life

"Nothing comes to a man who sits on his hands"

Love what you do;Do what you love

Thats what its supposed to say.But as YOU can see YOU is missing.I have a million artistic excuses for this flop!But actually those were my eyes THAT night so rest up before going on a painting spree.